

There are three major pieces to this work: preparation, the medicine experience and integration. Often preparation can be overlooked and setting ourselves up well in the first step can make a big difference in continuing the work along the way.

I offer one-to-one sessions to help people prepare for their experience.

 The focus in Preparation Sessions can include:

  • Clarifying & Refining Your Intentions

  • Deepening the Self Inquiry process

  • Information about the Medicine, the Jungle & Shamanism


Clarifying & Refining Intentions

Intention is an essential part of working with the medicine. Working with intention can really help to ground the experience, process the experience and focus it. It can be both a compass and an anchor during and after the medicine experience.  I work with people in preparation for their journeys to frame their Intentions both in what they want to go towards and also to identify blockages that are holding them back.

Often people have a big long list of Intentions about what they want to get from their work with the medicine. Equally as often I find there is an underlying essence that consolidates their list of intentions into the real core of what they are looking for. Taking it from something long and fragmented list something concise, clear and focused.

It is also about a style of approaching this medicine. Intention is opening us up to a field of possibilities and working with what comes. Comparing it to expectations which are attached to a certain outcome.


Deepening Self Inquiry

In coaching with compassion, questions and prompts we can look start the process of connecting present day reality to past experiences. Often the biggest ways and core wounds that are impacting the way we see, move and interact with the world are rooted in the past and triggered by the present. Inquiry work is to help people come to their own conclusions and connect with their own inner wisdom. It is a guided and empowering way to start connecting the dots of self exploration.


The Medicine, Jungle & Shamanism

Sometimes people just want to ask practical questions about the medicine, logistics and approaching this system and style of work with plants. We can talk about these things too.